
Female English Voiceover

Female English Voiceover

I need an English female voiceover with a friend voice and tone. I have a total of 30videos to be read. But am on a low budget. I can only offer $3 per script. Can you do it?


I need an English female voiceover with a friend voice and tone. I have a total of 30videos to be read. Please send me your voiceover sample if you can. I need just female voices please

Skills Required

Voice Voiceover English


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After completion (10-12 hours from now) i will knock you.

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sample script:

Even the most dedicated times need some motivation and what better way to get that than by a fitness meme.

Memes are cartoon or caricatures which depict a scene of humor that most persons can relate to with the help of simple pictures, symbols or words.
When it comes to memes related to fitness the main purpose behind them is to appeal to those lazy people who are struggling to get out of bed or those losing hope after just a day of working out. They basically make the person relate to a situation and make them laugh at themselves. This creates a sense of awareness without hurting any person and thus facilitating positive change.

There are varieties of memes related to fitness, working out; some are funny while others are more thought-provoking or motivational in nature.

- Memes provide you with a good laugh to brighten up your day and can help you overcome even the worst of days.
- A meme helps you connect with the rest of the world.
- Motivation and perseverance are ensured with the help of funny fitness memes.
They urge you think and be better.
- Hence memes help a person to learn and change without being put down or ridiculed.

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Can you share a sample script? I want to transform into voice as sample.

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Bid On Listing Created 8 years ago in Voice Over