Hi i am looking for custom affiliate marketing software, Here is the video that i am looking fo, must watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydGpaRMlWHk&pp=ygUUbWFzcyB0cmFmZmljIG1vbnN0ZXI%3D
Once you watch the video yo understand what kind of software i want, can you create the same software evn the system works in bot that also no problem. Beginner friendly and i will give you a 5 star. Let me know if you have experinced on this
You musta have an experienced on software devloper and must knowledge of affiliate marketing and mustw atch the video link i provided to know what kind of or same or similar softwrae you can create for me
i can give you 100 prompt for ai website for creating affiliate marketing content with all feature in 50 words for each prompt