
Need 20k referral visits to my my site

Need 20k referral visits to my my site

I need 20,000 social media referral visits to my site.
But these traffic should be shown in my own url. shortener

Here is an example of my ul shortener link :

Please contact if you can provide me referral vists. Direct visits are not entertained.


Bot traffic is ok provided, it should show those as referral visis

Skills Required

Safe Traffic Adsense Social


i can send you 20.000 visitors from facebook and twitter.
visitors are worldwide (mostly us).
traffic is adsense safe and it will appear on your ga or tracker.
the price is: 5$ per 10.000 visitors.
custom delivery time. i can send them fast or slow, as you wish.

send targeted visitors from twitter and facebook

as we discussed, 10.000 visitors from social media networks
track-able in ga or url shortener
delivery in 48 hours.

traffic is worldwide, mostly usa.

i will send you 20.000 almost visitors to your link in 30 days all will be real usa visitors and will be from social media like facebook,reddit and twitter .

largest seller of referral traffic, cheapest traffic services. check my service page and order according to your need.

i will blast you website to my 85000 email subscriber. high responsive subscribers


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Bid On Listing Created 12 years ago in Traffic

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