
Bring Valid Traffic to my Link

Bring Valid Traffic to my Link

1) Bring at least 2000 USA or UK traffic to my Link
2) In order for the traffic to be VALID, the traffic must:
--Have unique IP address
--Must go through the Ad before reaching my website
--Must view my website for at least 10 seconds
--Must NOT come from Traffic Exchange and PTC websites
NOTE: link means there will be an Advertisement before the person can visit my website. I can monitor whether the person go through the Advertisement and visit my website. So the traffic must reflect on my account and my Wordpress statistics.


Bring me sample proof of your work by generating 10 traffic from USA or UK to my link.
Here's my link >>>

Skills Required

Traffic Generation


bring at least 2000 usa or uk traffic to my link
2) in order for the traffic to be valid, the traffic
--have unique ip address
--must go through the ad before reaching my website
--must view my website for at least 10 seconds
--must not come from traffic exchange and ptc websites

  1. hello there,
    i read your requirement on this project.i am interested to work on this project.i will make sure you that i will try my best to fulfill your all requirement for your project with 100% satisfaction.
    waiting for your answer.
  2. 100% safe traffic.
  3. no china traffic
  4. satisfaction guaranteed
  5. low bounc

Bid On Listing Created 4 years ago in Traffic

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