
Need daily 400-600 visits for a month with following necessities

Need daily 400-600 visits for a month with following necessities

Country : India (70%) , USA UK AUS and others (30%)

Source : Google (50%), Twitter(30%) and others.

400-600 visits spread throughout the day. (Not in 1 Hour)


Please bid if you can provide exactly what asked.

Important that views are spread throughout the day. Also, the source is Google and Twitter mainly
Country as mentioned.

If I like I will order for many links.

Skills Required

traffic Websitet Webtraff Visitor


level 3 seller
daily 400-600 visits for a month

70% indian and balance from uk us
all the visitor will be from google etc


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i can do this job sir

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Bid On Listing Created 6 years ago in Traffic

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