I want 100 votes to this website Xtremetop100 which is a topsite ranking games website. Voting is based through unique ip for 12 hours and it also has recaptcha.
Doesnt matter where the votes come from. Voting is made through the
website after solving captcha and click the button (ex. Vote
VOTE LINK: http://www.xtremetop100.com/in.php?site=1132205107
I do not know for sure, but proxies arent allowed, but maybe will work.
Now i have 240 IN votes and currently ranking #63.
When the IN votes will count 240+100= 340 order will be shipped.
All votes must be done in 1 day (24 h).
Please test 5 votes before you BID on the requested task.
order me now!!
order me..please
please order me
are you need real voting for website.
i can add 30 votes for gaming website.
all votes are active and real worldwide voters.
so you can rank up your profile.
i will give you genuine youtube viewing bot for just 5$.so you didnt want to order anymore for getting youtube views every day.
* proxy supported
*genuine views
*1 view/1 min
*free elite proxies in the package
*light weight
i have also youtube commenting and adfly auto surfing bot ,so if you want any one of these bots,order now.
we will deliver 100 votes at xtremetop100.com within 24 hour of awarding the project.
for free demo contact us.
please order me sir 100 traffic $10
please order me sir
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