
USA Website Traffic - Long Term Work

USA Website Traffic - Long Term Work


We are looking for SEO professionals who could help us bring high quality traffic to our sites. From the landing page, to a few specific page and possibly.

- Please note we are looking for a minimum of around 85% or more coming from the USA!
- Quality traffic that will show in Google analytics, help SEO etc
- All visits must last a minimum of 10 seconds, possibly 15-30, if you can offer 1 minute or more for a higher rate let us know!
- Can you offer keyword targetted traffic?

Below is some examples of what we are looking for! Let us know what you can offer, feel free to make multiple bids! We would re-order on a regular basis.

- 50 visit minimum on all posts / new posts for a month
- 200 direct visit per day split between one domain and a few sub-pages for a month
- 200 direct visit per day to one specific link for a month
- 500 direct visit per day split between one domain and a few sub-pages for a month
- 50 google search + visit per day split between one domain and a few sub-pages for a month (MUST come from different IPs for results)
- 100 google search + visit per day split between one domain and a few sub-pages for a month (MUST come from different IPs for results)
- 50 Bookmarks from different

Give us your best offers below! We look forward to working with you on this long term project.

Thank you


- Please note we are looking for a minimum of around 85% or more coming from the USA!
- Quality traffic that will show in Google analytics, help SEO etc
- All visits must last a minimum of 10 seconds, possibly 15-30, if you can offer 1 minute or more for a higher rate let us know!
- Can you offer keyword targetted traffic?

Below is some examples of what we are looking for! Let us know what you can offer, feel free to make multiple bids! We would re-order on a regular basis.

- 50 visit minimum on all posts / new posts for a month
- 200 direct visit per day split between one domain and a few sub-pages for a month
- 200 direct visit per day to one specific link for a month
- 500 direct visit per day split between one domain and a few sub-pages for a month
- 50 google search + visit per day split between one domain and a few sub-pages for a month (MUST come from different IPs for results)
- 50 Yahoo / Bing search + visit per day split between one domain and a few sub-pages for a month (MUST come from different IPs for results)
- 100 google search + visit per day split between one domain and a few sub-pages for a month (MUST come from different IPs for results)
- 50 Bookmarks from different

Skills Required

Safe traffic adsense


have a wonderful day.

i will provide you real and usa based 2000 traffic from application programming interface based social media panel.


10,000 adsense safe social traffic
proof analytics

i will give u best traffic from us. adsense and google safe, fully traceable in analytics. 100 % geniun traffic.

please order me now.

ican give you 300000 organic hits or more
-all will be comaptible with google anylitics and google adsense
-or other platforms
-there will be no kind of bots
-this time order me next time you will get cupon from me for discounts

i can handle your request. you can take a look at my services, so you can see that this is high quality traffic you will get. we can deliver up to 200.000 visitors a day for long time period if needed.

kind regards soraya de vries


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Bid On Listing Created 9 years ago in Traffic

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