We need someone that can deliver traffic with either Google or Facebook referrer - we do NOT want other referrers in there. We will tell you the specific referrer for each order and we need it delivered as such. You must be able to accept our own Goo.gl URL's. you must be able to spread traffic anywhere between 2-30 days. Visitors must be unique and at least 80% USA. We pay $3 per 5,000 splittable between up to 3 URL's per 5k.
1. Google and Facebook referer traffic (one or the other)
2. Accept our Goo.gl URL's
3. 80% or more USA traffic
4. Traffic spread throughout the day
5. $3 per 5,000. 5000 splitable between up to 3 URLs
6. Can spread traffic between 2-30 days no extra charge.
7. Must set up orders within 24 hours max.
hire me thanks in advance
i will give you 100 real youtube likes.
waiting for your order