
100k Traffic Monthly.

100k Traffic Monthly.

I would like to buy 100k Traffic per month. Low bounce rate and trackable traffic via and google analytics. Every day 3000-3500 traffic on average but not less or more than that. Please read the requirements clearly before sending me message or bidding in the project. Or Else you will be wasting your time and mine.


-Bounce rate has to be low not more than 40%
-Traffic must be visible in GA
-Direct Traffic + Social traffic (facebook, Twitter) will be preferable
-Traffic has to be responsive. If they just visit my home page and no other page I will cancel the order.

Skills Required

Facebooktraffi Directtraffic


i can provide you 100k traffic monthly.
all traffic will be google adsense safe.
it will increase your alexa rank.

order me now

Bid On Listing Created 11 years ago in Traffic

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