
Need a solid, genuine twitter marketing plan

Need a solid, genuine twitter marketing plan

It's a new a/c, and so a solid twitter marketing plan is essential. It should be done asap. Conventional methods only.


1) Conventional methods only
2) mUST BE A solid marketing plan
3) Must be done in quick time, proper methodology adopted.

Skills Required

twitter social media marketin


hi friend, i read your entire description and understood about your work. i can do your job. if you have any queries you can feel free to ask me.

i will be waiting for you. thank y

it's important that you look at long-term and that's where i come in. posting of weekly articles on your industry with a bit of entertaining contents will go a long way.

if you are keen on working with me. i'll be honest that $15 won't be enough for a monthly plan. but we can go for a week with it. this guarantees better


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Bid On Listing Created 5 years ago in Social Networks

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