
IFTTT WEB2.0 PBN Network Creation

IFTTT WEB2.0 PBN Network Creation

I'm looking build s nice network mostly for the sake of blog posts and even more so for videos.

Bottom line: I want maximum automatic promotion leverage of my content when i do a blog post or post a video. If you have other ideas for automatic content promotion let me know.

My idea is this: Correct me if it's a dumb haha

  1. Buy expire good metrix domains and hook a bunch of high metric Web2.0 (ie tumblr, weebly, WP, blogger, twitter and whatevere else we can attache) . I actually have expired domain finder so i can find them.
  2. Start with a top level PBN where i blog into. (so focus here is blogging here writing articles and reviews linking back to my "money sites". And therefore I'm not taking the RSS from my money site into this network. Your job: 1. create IFTTT network to expired web2.0s and fill out the profiles to make look passible and not lie spam, related to the main PBN wordpress blog 2. Connect RSS of this top level PBN into it's own IFTTT of strong web2.0 and then 3. connect rss of top PBN (where i blog into) to starting 6 other expired pbn domains 4. Hook youtube into top level PBN so the video embeds on down through the network
  3. Also need to make sure these recipes work. Last time i tried to do my self as well as someone else: images would not post to pinterest, twitter and a couple other things
  4. Expired blogs and accounts i've heard of: twitter, blogger, tumblr,, weebly, overblog, any others we can auto post into?
  5. Yes i know this idea maybe questionable for blog posts but it seems fine to me for videos.
  6. Are there plugins we can use that are more stable than IFTTT ? Because if a link in the chain here with an IFTTT network breaks then everything stops.
  7. I am looking to take my youtube RSS into this network
  8. AND another part: I'm interested in building WEB2.0 networks, stand alone networks with no IFTTT. Do expired high metric web2.0 accounts come with their old content? Is it worth it to build up 20 to 30 blog posts on these high metrix expired web2.0? Can you 1. find these for me. 2. register them without getting blocked 3. Figure out some way of me managing all these web2.0 blogs since me posting on from my isp doesn't sound like it would work and i'd hate to mess the whole thing up.
  9. Bottom line: I want maximum automatic promotion leverage of my content when i do a blog post or post a video. If you have other ideas for automatic content promotion let me know. thanks

Let me know what you think and provide some fee ideas. thanks


see above. Not sure on pricing i just put 100. We can work it out.

Skills Required

Ifttt Expired Web2 0 Finder


have a wonderful day.

i shall create an expired domain based ifttt network with all of your web 2.0 blog.


Bid On Listing Created 7 years ago in Social Networks

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