
Post to 10 Unique Google+ Communities Music Games All Niches Regular Work for Professional

Post to 10 Unique Google+ Communities Music Games All Niches Regular Work for Professional

I want to buy 10 Google+ Community posts on 10 unique Communities.

You just have to post my message/link to the communities.

Then give me the link to the post. Simple and easy!

I am looking to hire a professional that is fast and reliable.

What are Google+ Communities?

They are Google's version of like Facebook Groups basically. They are communities you can join and post stuff to that the group likes and is interested in.

There are many different Google+ Communities from A-Z. You can find them real easily by just searching something on your Google+ Profile and clicking "Communities".

I want you to post mostly to music and gaming related communities.
Mostly YouTube related groups and some other types.

It's simple and easy work. I'll give you the message to post.
Jus post it and give me the links to those posts.
You must give me the links to the posts you have made.

That's it!


Please post a reasonable and fair price.
Must provide the links to the posts for me in text format or something.
Work must be completed in 24 hours from me buying.
Do not post anything else other than what I'm asking for.

Skills Required

Google Googleplus Post Posts Posting Poster Promote Promotion Traffic Social Socialmedia


i will post your 10 valid ( i am not accept block spamy, or porn related links/content) links on google plus communities.

100% genuine i am am doing your task now...


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Bid On Listing Created 9 years ago in Social Networks

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