
Need Real Human 5 Signups

Need Real Human 5 Signups

Need 5 Real Human Signups and referals from US/CA/AU/GB for a website for free...

Users must be active ..and want to earn...

People from other countries who have their friends/family in US/CA/AU/GB can also place bid...


Signups must from US/CA/AU/GB....

Can be from one country or mixed

I will test those members for 3 days then i will pay for that signups

Must want Proof that they are different , real and from above listed country/countries

Members must be honest ..

=26pxI will pay 1$ for each 5 signups... that 5 members will get 7$+ ( each) bonus for joining ..

Skills Required



have a wonderful day.

i will provide you real and worldwide and unique ip and unique location based 5 real sign up from us/ca/au/gb. i will provide you all details by an excel file.


place order if you are happy with that.


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Bid On Listing Created 9 years ago in Social Networks

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