
Need 1000 Retweets And Favorites

Need 1000 Retweets And Favorites

I need 1,000 retweets and 1,000 favorites for Twitter, I want them after i pay, extremely quickly, maybe a little more. if you do great i'll purchase more from you daily, make sure not to have lots of egg accounts, i want accounts with AVI aka Pictures. please don't go over the "Max Price"


1. Must Do It All Under One Hour
2. Must Work Quick
3. If Your Good I'll Buy More Often (Daily)

Skills Required

Twitter Favorites Retweets


these are mix quality (eggs and picture followers), and will start and complete in some mins.
order now

i can add 500 retweets and 300 favorites on your tweet to make it more attractive.
quantity i mentioned so that it will look natural.
duration- within 2 hours.
no fake profile.

you can order now.

i can give you 1k retweets as well as favorites from real and active accounts guarantee for never drop

i will give you 1000 retweets and favorites at cheap price.

1000 retweets and 1000 favourites
within 12 hours

real and active accounts
usa female
prof pic and header images
bio updated
location updated

i can do both of high quality

Bid On Listing Created 11 years ago in Social Networks

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