
5 million twitter followers

5 million twitter followers

I need 5 million twitter followers fast and cheap.


I need 5 million twitter followers fast and cheap. I will need a portion of the work completed upfront because I have now had two people accept payments without even starting work.

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twiiteraccount twitterfollowers twitterfollower tweet Twiends twitteraccount tweets follwers follower addmefast


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I gave his email address to the police instead, so that they can get my money back.

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No, cause they took my money then did a runner... There was nowhere to leave feedback.

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did you give negative feedback to the first person aswell who didnt did your job for 75$

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*negative feedback (Sorry, error there)

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I DIDN'T force you to do the job... How could I possibly do that? Do you understand how illogical that sounds??? How illogical all of your comments sound???

I paid you because you asked me to and you told me you could do this for $100 - You then changed your mind - That's when I got upset and gave you positive feedback. It was a massive inconvenience, as it meant I transferred money from my bank to here, that I don't know how to now put back in my bank as I only buy on here, I don't sell... You mislead me, you lied to me, and now you're upset because I gave you negative feedback??? Deal with it!!!

PS. I'm happy to post out entire conversation from my inbox if you would like so people can see what really happened??? Just say the word...

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you want 5 million twitter accounts only for 65$
first you said i had given this job to some one else where is that person , may he also have bad experience with you that because of he refuse to do your job
and then you requested me to do your job , no one can do your this job for 65$ or with 100$ as i am giving you challenge can you find if there is any one who can do your job put the link we all want to see who is that person , i will also order .
if i DONT WANT TO DO this job for 65$ why you are forcing me to do your job are you a idiot or stupid.
this buyer is really irritating i dont want to do his job now he has given me stupid feedback comments and forcing me to do his job .

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3k for 5 million

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Bid On Listing Created 12 years ago in Social Networks

Other jobs by gobbles21

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