
Twitter retweet/direct message service wanted!

Twitter retweet/direct message service wanted!

I am looking for somebody who can direct message on twitter for a given keyword.

Example: I give you keyword "family guy hack" and a website link to promote.
Now you search on twitter for people tweeting about "family guy hack" and send them a direct reply with my website link.

Would be looking for 1000 tweets.


Looking for spreading my link on Twitter via direct mentions based on keywords. So lets say I am searching for people that use Amazon, so you will search on twitter for this keyword, find someone talking about it, and mention your message to them directly.

So if @ImABoss123 tweets "I love Amazon" then the reply should be like this; "Hey @ImABoss123, if you love Amazon, check this out!".

Skills Required



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Bid On Listing Created 11 years ago in Social Networks

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