
Verify my twitter account

Verify my twitter account

I will need you to verify my twitter account, it's for my website... So it's not personal... It's a game website.

verify a twitter account under $75

if you can verify my twitter for under $75 I am willing to buy right now if you can do this... I will be a frequent buyer!


Verify My Twitter For Life

Skills Required

Twitter Verify Twitterverify Bluetick


hi my name is tamour khan, i live in kingdom of saudi arabia. just simple i dont go to detial. i will verify your twitter account.
what is a verified account? any account with a blue verified badge on their twitter profile is a verified account. why does twitter verify accounts? verification is currently used to establish authenticity of identitie

i will verify your twitter account only $40. please sir order me now!

i am ready for your work.i can do it so order me first........

verify your twitter account with blue tick


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Bid On Listing Created 11 years ago in Social Networks

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