
Linux Cron job for iptable

Linux Cron job for iptable

Hello. I finding a Linux expert for give me a instructions for this:

- I need to install and set a cron job or something else for automatically download a new rules for the iptable file from the my website (for example in the specific time - for example one time-two time per day.
These rules will have only IP whitelist for approval remote connections and blacklist IP's - blacklist will be updated a few times in the week.

I can give you a root access for my one test vps if do you want - please contact me via a PM.

My OS: Linux Ubuntu Desktop 12.04 x64 (i have more than 600 vps's so these steps i will install at all my machines).

Thank you for your bids and help me


Only your professional service and skills in Linux

Skills Required

Linux Ubuntu Cron Cronjob


i believe we can help you with this. we will need to see what the rule lists you are downloading look like to see the best way of going about this, but we should be able to create a bash script which can simply be placed and run as cron job on the other server; however, we will need to test server such as the one you mention to create the scr


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Bid On Listing Created 8 years ago in Servers

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