
Asterisks Server Partioning

Asterisks Server Partioning

I am looking for someone who can partition asterisks server into different sub users. For instance, one dedicated machine partitioned into 6 different users all using different IP addresses and different log in details. Just like in Windows where several people can use one system/server but log in with their own access.


I am looking for someone who can partition asterisks server into different sub users. For instance, one dedicated machine partitioned into 6 different users all using different IP addresses and different log in details. Just like in Windows where several people can use one system/server but log in with their own access.

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Server partitioning but for Asterisks server not windows.

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I want server partitioning for a server using Asterisk OS. Like in Windows, I can give my wife an access to my computer and both of us using different user name and password, but still on one computer. I can allow my son to use same computer but he has his own log in to the computer, without seeing my files, I cannot see his own files except I log in using his credentials.

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Bid On Listing Created 11 years ago in Servers

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