Seo Expert need to show my site at first page of google within rank 1 to 3 for any 6 keywords as mention below. I will pay $30 each month till you show my site at top of google . First took my site to first page within 30-40 days and thereafter keep it continuously at first apge. I will pay each month within 1-5 for last month display . site have too seen worldwide at first page for organic search . Bring my site at top for any 6 keyowrds ( bible verse of the day
daily bible verse
bible quotes
inspirational bible verses
encouraging bible verses
bible verses about faith
bible online ).
have to keep at frist page of google continously for any 6 keyords as listed above
as you mention 200$ per month
order us now
we have 1 year experiance
we will bump your site with quality work we will do
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social networking
we already give many clients on this so order us now
dear ma’am/sir
hope you are doing great,
i would like to introduce myself as sahil, im expert from india. i have been in this field from 3+ years with an excellent client base from various regions of usa,uk, australia and canada.
i want to offer you 1 of my services in which i will create 20 pr9 backlinks of your websites
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