
Create additional custom fields in the checkout form of a woocomerce site

Create additional custom fields in the checkout form of a woocomerce site


i'm building a wordpress website with photography services and i have some basic packages that i offer to the clients. Additional i have some extras that i want to add to the checkout page and try to sell them to the clients, i have a screenshootfrom a competitor to have an idea about what am looking for. Actually i'm lookinng for 3 extra fields after the billing details,

1st add a date, or calender so the client can choose the date,

2nd a field with a checkbox or radio field that the client will choose only one option without change in the price of the cart

3rd a field with a checkbox or radio field that the client will choose one or more or all of the extra options and when ckecked the price inn the cart total will be updated with what the client has choose as extra service.

Also the wordpress theme i use is Woodmart and it has an option to have a custom checkout layout page or change the design or add new elements but not the woocomerce core.


I have tried some free plugins that are available for that but most of them they ask for yearly subscription and i'm not willing to pay them each year just to have some extra fields in my checkout page. So i'm willing to pay for this changes only once. Payment of service provided will be ONLY via Paypal and delivery after we discuss and finilized what i'm looking for will be 5 days.

Skills Required



hi john !
this is taniya . if you want to rank your photography website in google i can help you. i am a website seo consultant with 4 years of experience in this sector.

thank you !


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Bid On Listing Created 11 months ago in Programming