If you can do wordpress programming then this WTB thread might interest you.
I wanted to develop a news site, but could't make the template by myself. So.. I need a wordpress theme that looks like this http://id.elovio.com
If you can make one or something similar, inbox me
Able to do wordpress programming.
Able to develop a theme that looks like http://id.elovio.com/
i can provide you this theme
i can give you the exactly same theme as you have mentioned.
contact me
i will provide you with the template and also do any css/php customization that you need.
and i already have the template available.
thank you.
i can provide you this theme
hello i have this theme ready.
i can give you this theme to you.
i have many news wp theme. as a http://khabar7.tk?, http://aajkal.tk
if u like this theme i am sale
or we make new theme
i'll sell you the wordpress theme for only $10, no ads and copyrights guaranteed!
it is a free wordpress theme which u can directly install by ur own. i can provide u the link if u want.
i'm electronics telecom engineer with skills in html,php,css,wordpress,joomla,photoshop,online marketing,smm website,customising & updating content,seo,php,making website ,fixing pc problem online.feel free to contact me
my seo wo