
Create a demo for the new template

Create a demo for the new template

1. Prepare the online demo in LTR for the Bootstrap 4.6.2 version with photos (I already have all the photos).
2. Convert the jQuery style switcher to vanilla javascript, test and implements the script in the demo..
3. Upload the files vía FTP

Total html files: 40


Show me your las 3 projects with Bootstrap 4 (portfolio).

Skills Required

webdesign design javascript html bootstrap css scss


hi there,

i am a professional web designer and web developer, a worker on photoshop, css3, html, x html, and browser-compiled layouts. as well as programming php, laravel, mysql, jquery, wordpråess, and e-commerce.

in addition to this, i will provide

quality customer service and communication at all times. you will have full right

i have seen your recommendation and i will do it in 2 days. if you keep looking at my offer then let me know. i am ready to work for you.

Bid On Listing Created 2 years ago in Programming

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