
Create super fast domain hosting website with react js

Create super fast domain hosting website with react js

Hi. I am looking for a developer who can be my long time working partner. For now, I need you to build a professional looking website for domain hosting website.
There should be around 4-6 pages like: home, hosting, reseller, VPS, contact, policy . The main reason of of building this new website is speed. So you must ensure maximum speed and to do that, I give you full freedom in design. You can use the same codes function again and again just to decrease the amount of codes. I will have no objection as long as the website is super fast and the design looks good.
by the way, at the time of delivery you must provide me the package files with proper documentation text/html file which will help me doing the editing works of text and images.

this is the first project that I want you to do. If you can do this work properly then I might hire you to do it if you more shopping websites. But that depends on the first work so you must focus and do the first work perfectly to work with me for long time.
if possible, please try to to provide proper information and your previous work samples in the offer.


Must have experience with react js and should also have experience with html css and js

Skills Required

Javascript React Reactjs Html Css


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Bid On Listing Created 4 years ago in Programming

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