
Simple Javascript coding, super easy!

Simple Javascript coding, super easy!

I have an HTML file with a company logo, this logo needs to be changed when the user of the file write company1 in the Custom field {$Otros["Empresa"]}

So If {$Otros["Empresa"]} is equal to Company1 so the logo in the html will be image01,
So If {$Otros["Empresa"]} is equal to Company2 so the logo in the html will be image02 ...
exactly so Company3 will be image03

as easy as that!


Nothing too complicated:

  • Its necessary to use the coding as {$Otros["NombreEmpresa"]}
  • Javascript is necessary

Skills Required

javascript html css


hello dsfalex,

we can write javascript code for logo change in your html page for $60. please contact us asap.

Bid On Listing Created 4 years ago in Programming

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