
Front end user profile registration and auto email with certificate

Front end user profile registration and auto email with certificate

I need that when someone comes to my for or form like it that the user can fill in their details and upload image and the image becomes feauted image in the post. there are questions on form only for admin. Once form is submitted, it should create a pending post and register the user to the wordpress site. After that the user needs the name of the user and the country of the user are used to create a certificate and automatically sent to them via email.

The certificate I use from


create front end form that registeres new users into the wordpress site
form then submits contents to auto create a post with featured image uploaded by user
the program then uses the name country and emai lto generate a certificate and auto sends a welcome email with certificate attached

Skills Required

webprogramming programming


hi yosalov,
i have gone through your project placement and i'm willing to do this task.
i will create a form for user registration according to your mentioned details.
you will be amazed by the quality of my work.
best regards

hi there,
i can build you the system with your requirements.

i look forward to hearing from you for further discussions including development cost.

hello sir, i saw your job description. as you mentioned that your need to create a wordpress website where people will can registration and get a mail with a certificate and input country name, e m ail. i am a professional wordpress developer. i've over 5 years of experience in wordpress website designing and developing. i build eye-catching, seo-f

Bid On Listing Created 4 years ago in Programming

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