
Upgrade Opencart website from 2.0 to ver 2.3

Upgrade Opencart website from 2.0 to ver 2.3

i have an ecommerce store running on opencart version 2.0.2

I want to upgrade opencart to version 2.3 while keeping all extensions, db and theme design.

This is the website:


I want to upgrade opencart to version 2.3 while keeping all extensions, db and theme design.

Skills Required

Opencart experience cms modules installation


hello great buyer!
. kindly accept this order now for your websites upgrade as we both agreed on and don't try to cheat
warm regards

i am best designer and i am experinced designer and i need 50% advanced charge because i am design very shortly time for you


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Bid On Listing Created 5 years ago in Programming

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