I need to create user sign up and login pages for my wordpress website. If some one register I need them to have their user account. Also purchase made by them should be displayed on their accounts under "my orders". also need order countdown page too.
wordpress web design for my website with user panel
have a wonderful day.
i shall create user sign up and login details for your website and also will set up my orders related function for your word press website. the price can be up and down by the plug in price based.
hei i m wordpress expert . i have successfully done many projects . hope i can done your job . order me . i m now free to get new projects .
i will fix any problem you have on wp
i will fix any problem you have on wp
i will fix any problem you have on wp
dear sir,
i will complete all the listed duty in your job, i will create a user login portal and your service portal with your desired features. i am waiting for your response.
ram kishor
dear client
i would like to help you. i will fulfill all your requirements within your budget.
if you want me to work for you, please contact me.
wordpress fixes, i can do in $4, visit "era24uk" profile and gigs. thx