Sign up
Forget password
Dashboard Screen
Google maps
show store on maps
show the price,
select product place order ,
make payment
Push notification
1) User App Features :
- User can register to app with email,password, phone number and other details. (Let us know if your want phone
number verification here)
- User can login to app with email andpassword.
- Home Screen : on the home screen ofuser all the battery service providers near user’s current location will be
listed in below a map. On google maps we will display markers of all those
battery service providers near by and current location marker of user.
- User can select any_ one providers fromthe list, as soon as user clicks on any one we will display all the details of
that service provider from where user can request for a battery service or tow
away to that particular service provider.
- As soon as the user gets his servicesdone. He can make payment through the app and then he can give feedback to the
service provider.
- User will also have a my profile screenwhere he can update his profile details.
- User will also have a previous servicesdone screen where he can view all the services requested in past so that if he
want to request any service provider again, he can do it.
2) Service Provider/Vendor App Features :
- Vendor can register to app with email,password, phone number and other details. (Let us know if your want phone
number verification here)
- Vendor can login to app with email andpassword.
- Home Screen : on the home screen ofvendor all requests made to that particular vendor will be listed with user’s
location and information.
- Vendor can select any_ one user toserve his requirement with his services. As soon as vendor accepts the request
of any particular user, That user will get a notification that your request has
been accepted and service provider is on the way in case if user has requested
for a tow up. If user has requested for a service on vendor’s place, then user
will get address and contact details of that service providers.
- Vendor will have screens for runningservices, completed services and my profile.
3) Admin panel Features :
- Admin won’t have access to mobile app.
- Admin will perform all his operationsfrom a web based admin panel.
- Monitoring all the activities andsetting up commission rates can be done from that web based admin panel.
android and ios apps
Android Androiddevelop Ios Professional Development Developer
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