Display Ads Using Iframe or according to your ideas on PHP or HTML Page
1) Only Professional PHP Coder!!
2) I want you to display certain blocks only from a particular website page and allow me to display them on any php or html website which i own
3) Code should be simple and safe without any doorways
4) Develop in such a way that others wont copy our work easily to their website. That doesn't mean you encrypt it ..
Message me for more information
Professional PHP Coder
Implementing and Protecting the code from leechers
Error free code without any doorways
i can di it 100% perfectly
hey there,
i am a professional developer and will do the work which you want. exactly what you want will be given to. feel free to ask any questions. it will be a pleasure to work with you on this exciting project.
much cheaper price i can do it for first offer