
Login / Registration form with php + 1 page

Login / Registration form with php + 1 page

I want someone to create for me a login and registration page ( registration with categories, for example 5 fields should be seen if someone chooses to register as a simple member, 8 fields should be seen if someone chooses to register as an associate etc ) and then a page that displays his info. For example John Kadren
Location : .............
Phone : .............
pass : .............
etc etc etc

End Session button


I need this to be secure, php should link to a mysql database with specific values ( i will create one ) and to work with php 5.4 and above

Skills Required

Php Mysql Html Css


php framework: codeigniter

  • for php 5.5 above: php 5.5 password api
  • for php 5.4 above: polyfill / ph pass

front-end framework: bootstrap
validation: jquery validation

i can provide the project same day when ordering also i have demo link of this project.
and good experience

will be willing to work with you to achieve the best result not just completing the job in less than 3 days. thanks

greeting of the day
we would like to inform you that our team of specialists builds and develops wordpress/woocomerce/web development and also the most sophisticated mobile applications. we provide development for wordpress and web development.
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hey there,
i understand it is a simple form with a login page and registration page. we can do it for you. you just have to provide with fields of the form clearly and we will provide you with the output. we would need your existing site server details for us to do the work on it or we can provide w

Bid On Listing Created 8 years ago in Programming

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