
want apps for my web

want apps for my web

I want good android app for my site. As soon as possible.And also submission to playstore.

Site :

I will reward with 12$ for that. I just want app with simple webview of my site and submission to google. That's it.And don't forgot i want app immediatly as possible. bid only if you can make app fast within 1-3 hours after order. I already waste my time with previous seller.

And don't bid dumb and overpriced seller.I don't wish to see any overpriced seller here

Thankyou and regards,
Nikul Pipariya


Android app for my site

Skills Required

Android Androiddevelop App Apps Application


i will develop a professional android app at a reasonable price. that too optimized. the size of the app will be optimized. i.e if others will provide a 3mb of app will provide the same app in 2mb or less than that(optimized).
please provide me a link of your website after purchase.
and we can discuss about the submission, pm me for that.

i will create cool andriod app for your site and i can add your admob id code to make money.
for screenshot or anything else inbox me,
app is ready i will just edit it and put your information take about hour .

i can help you to create a good android app for your site and add an admob ad for you if you want + splash screen + app icon but no submition. you will get the .apk and a download page you can upload to your website and you can submit to appstore yourself if you really want.

Bid On Listing Created 9 years ago in Programming

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