
want android app for my site

want android app for my site

I wan to convert my site to Android app.Site is full responsive.

I want webview in app. And also Its good to store cache on app. or store backend file in app for fast loading.

If you reading this then ask me for my site url with msg.
Kindly bid.
Thanks and regards,


Android app

Skills Required

Programming App Apps Application Android Androiddevelop


i can provide you good app for your website order me

hi provide me order me and provide the link

i have a good background in android dev

i will develop a professional android app at a reasonable price. that too optimized. the size of the app will be optimized. i.e if others will provide a 3mb of app will provide the same app in 2mb or less than that(optimized).
please provide me a link of your website after purchase.

i will convert your website to an android app with all requirements above and more.
a loading icon
an app icon
a splash screen
small size for easy download ( i will make sure its not more than 1mb .
kindly order me now and provide me with your site url.

Bid On Listing Created 9 years ago in Programming

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