
WP rgstr. w.Gender, Surname & Email only

WP rgstr. w.Gender, Surname & Email only

Hello, Job is, to set up wp-Installation ( too) to new-users-registration with "Gender", "Surname" & "Email" only - without the, otherwise necessary, "user_login". The "user_login". must be created by wordpress automaticly as a number, as a number +1 more, then the biggest old "user_login"-number (f.e. if the existing last users were "user_login" 101, 123 and 175, so the next user registation gets 175). You must adjust it so in, and add captcha for registarion part. Maybe the attached example-code can be helpful - but this is just an example, which I found on net, not guaranted funcionality - you must youself code and test it. Important conditions Deadline max. 3 days after hiring. The programming/coding must be a clean one and must work in all functions and with HTTPS. The programming/solution MUST work in child-theme invironment, so that futured WP-updates and plugin updates have no bearing on the function/s programmed with this programmed / coded work. All rights/copyrights are mine after completing payment.

I actually have another website to develop. But this one would help me know the best person to always order from.


Important conditions Deadline max. 3 days after hiring. The programming/coding must be a clean one and must work in all functions and with HTTPS. The programming/solution MUST work in child-theme environment, so that futured WP-updates and plugin updates have no bearing on the function/s programmed with this programmed / coded work. All rights/copyrights are mine after completing payment.

Skills Required

Wordpress Webdesign Programming


hello, im willing to work. lets work. would send you the details in few munites. thanks

i have years of experience using wordpress.??i am 100% trusted and i gurantee full satisfaction

Bid On Listing Created 9 years ago in Programming

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