
Pagerank Bot Software or Plugin Script

Pagerank Bot Software or Plugin Script

I need a plugin or software program that helps a website rank high in search engines through SEO and other tactics. This program or plugin needs to be NEW and NOT someone else's product. The plugin or program can be duplicated but somewhat modified as well to make it a unique product. I would also like a pagerank checker tool plugin script or program also.


I need a new and unique plugin and/or program software that will assist any website rank high in google search engines. Please keep in mind that I do not want to buy someone else's script so this needs to be unique in some way maybe by adding an extra tiny feature to an existing script.

Skills Required

software development bot script coding


i will give you these softwares for you(full version)
[$150+ value]

1)no hand seo
2)(bonus)rss submit

Bid On Listing Created 12 years ago in Programming

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