
script developed programming

script developed programming

PLEASE- only bid if you have done similar in complexity projects in the past and have positive rating . PM me with samples of your custom php applications.

Need a script developed in PHP or css with the same functions from [backpage.coml OR craigslist, . We will start with feature set for this project and continue building it with the right developer.
layout and Template must match our domin name
copyraight must owned
Main requirements

1. Solid/Secure code
2. Clean UI with the use of CSS

I need for the look and feel of this site to be very close if not exact to what is on All features of the craigslist site need to be present. Features like 1) complete control over the categories, subcategories, regions, locations, etc, 2) PayPal enabled to process paid listings, 3) ability to make multiple categories and their subcategories Paid Listings, 4) calendar of events feature, 5) discussion forum, 6) photo upload with posting, 7) ability for users to admin their listings, 8) administrator can choose to verify postings or just allow them to post without the need for verification. An online admin interface to manage the site should be included with this web application and password protected. I am open to any scripting language that you prefer to use but I would prefer it to mimic the HTML of Upon completion of this project, complete open source code will be provided to me. No files are to be encrypted. If you have already done a similar programming project to completion, please provide a link to that for me to demo. I will only pay through the escrow system of this site. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your time.

1. it lets you reply/or comment on the ad... by users
2. the search engines are able to read each post... (it has key words and meta title & description)
3. it emails you whenever there is a reply...

Please let me know if you can handle this.... i dont care if you need to start from scratch or make changes to the photopost or vbulletin..... but I would like the ease of make categories and sub categories and givving permissions and what not...

Please let me know if you can start on this right away how much it will cost and how long it will be.... I would need this done ASAP....

This is a rough sketch of what I want... I will get into details when you are interested... Thanks

PLEASE- only bid if you have done similar in complexity projects in the past and have positive rating on scriptlance. PM me with samples of your custom php applications.

i attach screen shot for exsample


it must on time finshd.
dont bid if not Ineligible

Skills Required



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Bid On Listing Created 10 years ago in Programming

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