
Clone a Website for our company

Clone a Website for our company

We search for a person that can clone a website for us and install it for us so its ready to use and we are ready to go and use the site direcly. You will be helping us from A-B. Help us to choose the best hosting for the cloned site, help us to get the best cpanel for the cloned site and help us to begin work with the site.

Here is a link that we want to be cloned for us. We will be paing very good for the person that really help us with this, giving us support, help, and not clone it, send it in a zipfile and get paid. We search for someone that can help us the really understand how to use the site, and how the cloned site is build.

For the right person we can also give upp to 1000$ for someone that REALLY help us to clone this website, giving us all the service, support, hosting help, panel help and all the included. Giving us education in the site so we really understand everything first before you leave us and get payment.

For the right person, it will be very good payment.


Hello sir,

Please send PM and we will send you more information.

Moderny Group

Skills Required

Neccessoryprog Proramming Clone Cloning


i will do it just hire me . so i start discussion

hello alice here, i will provide you the site exactly what you want.
i will also provide you high and strong seo for your site which will help you to get a good rank in google search.
so lets start the work of your site first and seo immediately afterwards in the same package.
just place the order and see the results

hope you are doing well...
i am a website developer and i am interested in your shining offer. this is a very good work for me and i will do this work with my all experience in website development. i already have made many websites in this field. i will be glad to work with you in future.
offer me if i eligible for your offer.

hello. i can clone the said website for your company.


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Here is the link of the site:

Everybody that offer us to make this on 1 day, give us the best clone ever and make it fast. Dont even offer your services to us. We are not searching for someone that want to delivery fast and delivery directly to us. We want someone to work with, someone that support us, give us education in the panel, give us instructions of how it will works etc etc.

So please, dont even write or offer us 1 dat delivery, fast delivery and 5 years experience. We dont care about that. We want support, educatiom, cloning, corporation, after service/support and helt all the way. Maybe we need a few weeks to set everything up, so the persons that offer 1 day deliver, dont you read te instructions? We dont want the clone site in a zipfile as a script, we want it installed in our own domain and everything perfectly setup.

Thank you.

Please just serious people offer your services!

If you are serious, we will be needing more jobs! If you make it for good price, we will order muc much more services from you.

CEO, Moderny Group

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Can you give us the url of the site you want to clone? it will really help us give you a better quote for the project. Thanks.

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Bid On Listing Created 11 years ago in Programming