
Online Virtual Share Trading Platform Wanted

Online Virtual Share Trading Platform Wanted

We wish to create an virtual online stock exchange for one single stock.

The user registers for free online with their full name, address, telephone and receive an online account for free.
Once registered they will be routed to their members account and they will see a welcome text that ask them to enter in a field how many shares they own of the single stock and to press a UPLOAD button and upoad a PDF of their confirmation from their bank that they are the owner of shares.

The number of shares entered goes into the database together with the uploaded document and the new memeber appears on a NEW CLIENT SHEET for admin.

Admin logs in and can see the list of the new members that has registered and on the line is First and Last name, telephone number, email, number of shares, and an icon to click to view the PDF uploaded. Admin checks the PDF and click APPROVE on the member or if not approved he can click the email address of the client and email the client what they must do to get approved.

Once the member is approved he can offer his shares for sale.
He logs into his members area and press a link called Shares Market.
This page has 3 sections.
1) On top is a graph of the stock market last prices day by day on the sales prise of the stock.
2) Section two has the last 20 trades of shares to the market, number of shares and price that was offered and sold. Trade ID number, date, number of shares, sales price.
3) In section three at the bottom the Member can offer his own shares for sale.

On this page he see how many shares he entered in his profile as total number of shares and he can in a separate box called "Enter how many shares you wish to offer to the market" enter number of shares to offer. There is also a separate box called Price where he can offer the share price, next to that box is "current price in market" as the last price the stock was bought for in the market as text.

Once he has entered his data he press the SELL button.
This then places his order on section 2.

On this platform there is only ONE buyer and this buyer is Admin but we will create example 10 accounts that are buyers.
Admin can look at the shares in the market and decide what orders to buy.
Admin click on the offer in the market (one offer one line) and press SECURE in admin interface.
The details of the sell offer comes up and he can either choose to agree to the sales price entered by seller and simply press a BUY button, or enter another price in a box as a different price and press and OFFER button.

Eitther of the two options will trigger a line of code to a section of the sellers members area called TRANSACTIONS and an email will go to the seller about that he now has an offer on his shares and must log into the members area to look at the offer.

In his members area he will then see the BUY orders and any OFFERING orders on line by line and behind each line is and ACCEPT button.

When the member press the ACCEPT button this triggers a sale of shares in the market ticker/graph and it triggers a contract to be auto generated. This is a standard text we will provide but what changes every time is name of buyer, name of seller, number of shares, share price per share and total purchase price.

On the TRANSACTIONS page the contract will appear to download in a separate box.

Header of this box will have a text:
When you have accepted to sell your shares the contract of sale will appear below this text, please download the contract and sign the contract and scan and upload the signed contract or send by currier car or post to the sellers address.

Overview of the sales contracts:
It will have an autogererated transaction ID, state how many shares it is for and date on a single line. And buyer has a DOWNLOAD BUTTON.


The programming of this must be in a simple but nicely designed language that is quick.
The design is important to make the graph and the market look attractive and "alive"

In the beginning we will create example 40 own transactions before launch to create what looks to be a history of transactions before this opens to share holders.

My requirement is that you can by the way I described the job figure out the minor things that I did not mention by yourself. A self thinker.

Technically it must be set up as a database of course that is installable on a shared or dedicated server.

Skills Required



i will do this job. pm me for more detail.

please contact me , then we can start asap.


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Bid On Listing Created 11 years ago in Programming