
rate my picture plugin

rate my picture plugin

Project Description:
I'm looking for a experienced Wordpress plugin programmer to create a
new "Rate My Photo" plugin.

You could modify another hot or not (rate my photo) script to make it work with Wordpress

Note: I am using the latest version of Wordpress.

for inspiration and guide to what I want. please look at:

I would like the setup to be:

New widget to add a random photo to the sidebar menu. With options to
also toggle on/off:

Top Rated (links to top X photos)
Most Rated (links top X most rated)
Register to submit photo (through the default Wordpress/">wordpress register)

Admin Features required:

Supports Unlimited Users
Edit Category Names
Select Age Ranges
Add Unlimited Photos
Instant and Pending Registration (toggle on/off)
Instant and Pending Photo Addition (toggle on/off)
Suspend/Delete/Edit Users
Browse or Search for Users

User Front-end Features:

Submit/Manage Multiple Photos
View Average Rating per Photo
View Detailed Rating per Photo
Send/Receive Private Messages
Post Public Comments
Opt Out of Comments
Opt Out of Private Messages
Share Photo with a Friend
Rate Photos without an Account
Auto-Blocks Duplicate Votes
Show Newest Photos Option
Show Top Rated Photos Option
Show Most Rated Photos Option


I would like the setup to be:

New widget to add a random photo to the sidebar menu. With options to
also toggle on/off:

Top Rated (links to top X photos)
Most Rated (links top X most rated)
Register to submit photo (through the default Wordpress/">wordpress register)

Admin Features required:

Supports Unlimited Users
Edit Category Names
Select Age Ranges
Add Unlimited Photos
Instant and Pending Registration (toggle on/off)
Instant and Pending Photo Addition (toggle on/off)
Suspend/Delete/Edit Users
Browse or Search for Users

User Front-end Features:

Submit/Manage Multiple Photos
View Average Rating per Photo
View Detailed Rating per Photo
Send/Receive Private Messages
Post Public Comments
Opt Out of Comments
Opt Out of Private Messages
Share Photo with a Friend
Rate Photos without an Account
Auto-Blocks Duplicate Votes
Show Newest Photos Option
Show Top Rated Photos Option
Show Most Rated Photos Option

Skills Required

Software Architecture Testing Web Hosting Website Management Testing


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Bid On Listing Created 12 years ago in Programming

Other jobs by marauder