
Build facebook plugins for our site

Build facebook plugins for our site

Hey,again,can you build plugins for our social exchange site.
3 plugins need to be builded.
Fb goups/pages/members ids extractor
Fb groups/pages/members poster
Fb friends inviter - to our site
there is some plugins allready on our site,these new plugins you are gonna build have to be displayed on the front page outside and inside alinned with the other ones with special features.
these plugins will be in vip,where people will have to pay for posting and to extract .
members will have the option to search and exctract and post based on keywords and country.
the facebook inviter plugin will have the option for users to invite their friends to our site with a pop up for them to post an invitation,if makes sense.
thank you
site is


A really good developer can manage to get this job done,if you do a good job,a small tip will be added to this order in the end.

Skills Required

Php Code Css Jquery


hello sir,
i am professional web and soft app's developer. having the good experience of php and java as well as codeigniter and yii framework. i can do this work for u

Bid On Listing Created 11 years ago in Programming

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