
Local Business Niche Exploration

Local Business Niche Exploration


Freelancer needed for: Profitable Niches Research

About us :
We are a renowned SEO company with a global presence

About the project:

we are currently seeking a skilled freelancer for a long term project.
The project includes: ResearchProfitable Niches in the US Market or other markets with English language , Buildingaffiliate
website with SEO optimizationand later MonthlySEO maintenance
we are going to build Seo website to sell affiliate products

About the niches:
The project start with one mission:
1. find many relevant niches B2C and also B2B–40 niches
2.Find profitable affiliate products each niche

here are some requirements about the niches:

1.those niches should be sustainable and constantly relevant - not trends
2.should be good searchvolume with lesscompetition in the specific market and
3.with Keyword Difficulty (KD) not more then 15
4.keywords with no locations names /buy, if the DR is high, we still will be
open to considerbut please
5.check about the results in google ifwe have chance to overtake the competition because we focus in specific niche
6.topical authority
7.also good profit highcommission for each relevant products from affiliate programs
8.A niche that has a lot to write about interms of content and questions people ask on Google
9.It is important to check that competitorsdo not have a niche site that is exactly the same as this niche

more explanations about this research:
Here is a video about the project:

attach how should be look the research file -2 sheets in the file :
one is “niches research” -to fill in all the relevant niches with all the
and the other is sheet is :”niche example” - this relevant for each nicherepareseveral such sheets for each niche separately
don’t file in niches that isn’t relevant
the main purpose is to sell affiliate products

About affiliate products to sell in every niche:

1.for every niche that will be find as arelevant -you should find profitable affiliate products -there are many
platform for b2c and b2b , it also can be product from amazon (as affiliate)
2.the commission should be 200 dollar foreach product , because we are going to spend a lot of time to get traffic in every website

A freelancer who is selected will continue with us also for the continuation of the long-term project, which means: an organic website with all the content and optimization
2.seo every month

Questions foryour feedback

1.please send us your experience and websites that you did with affiliate products

2. please send me details with 2clientsthat I can get review about your work

3. please sendme your fee for this first mission

Thank you


Meital Hadar – Game Changer


Our requirements:

1.Seo expert more then 5 years experience
2.Affiliate marketing programs expert
3.Experienced professional with over 10 years of expertise in Seo for
e-commerce affiliate websites. Proven track record of creating successful
websites that effectively sell profitable products in the USA market

4.Experience and familiarity with affiliate products and product promotion platforms
5.Please send me the quota for this mission and also for build a website with

Skills Required

Research InternetResearch InternetMarketin


hi there,

i am interested in your project. i have more than 2 years in the seo field. i am working as an seo specialist at raybotix digital, ahmedabad.

seo services include:-

on page seo include:-

keywords research

marketing research for industry base

competitor analysis

sitemap creation

google webmaster tools ana

hello hawal

it’s exciting that your company local business is looking to do profitable niches

i understand that finding the right fit for your profitable niches is a top
priority. getting the right project deliverable is critical to your company’s
growth and success.

with 3 years of experience in industry i


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Bid On Listing Created 12 months ago in Other

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