
easy home based work

easy home based work

I am looking for legitimate online work that pays approximately $40 Canadian an hour. Must be able to work when I choose and be able to decide how many hours I can put in. Must not require special skills. Needs to have multiple hours available to work (if this requires multiple jobs thats fine(10 max)). must be able to do these jobs in canada. need to be able to start immediately.

I get the job and can do it you get paid

no phone/chat agent work
no teaching/tutering


find me work at home jobs
$30+ an hour
can be pay per task(must be reasonable)
must be flexible (hours/availability)
no start up costs

Skills Required



hi, i just seen your requirement and i am able to do this work with you. i am always active with i have a good communication skills that can help you for do this job easily. so just order me and tell me whats i need to do. thank you

i am interested to work your project.
best regards

i have canadian pc


i hope you are doing well.

i have read all your requirements and very much interested to work on your project.
i will do your work in $25/hour charge.

look forward to hearing from you.

thank you

i like your work. i want to work with you
so you can hear me


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Bid On Listing Created 6 years ago in Other