Need some Guys or Girls who provide Captcha Solving Service.
You have to solve many different Captchas (recaptcha, puzzle captcha, Solvemedia Captcha, circle captcha, math / text captcha )
I pay only successfully solved Captchas!
I do not use this service to harm sites or something. I only want to extract some Informations from a Site for my one Use!
Price is only a Placeholder. I dont know what i have to pay for services like this ...
- You have to be cheap ;)
- You have to be fast
- You understand that you only get paid for valid solved captchas
1000 captchas solve fast work for $15.order now
instant start your work
give me order sir
please order me
order me now
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Hi, I am an english user from the UK and understand these things very easily without any confusion. I am willing to pay a small sum of $13 to
solve 1,000 capatchas. If you are interested please contact me! Please 10$ Order Me
Hi, I am an english user from the UK and understand these things very easily without any confusion. I am willing to pay a small sum of $13 to
solve 1,000 capatchas. If you are interested please contact me!
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