
Need 100 QUALITY CPA Signups/pin/e-mail/zip submit Leads

Need 100 QUALITY CPA Signups/pin/e-mail/zip submit Leads

We are looking only for experienced internet marketer and lead providers that can generate quality leads for offers like sign-ups,email/zip submit to our CPA offers.

Please only bid if you are capable of generating 50+ leads per day and are willing to do a test of 10 leads before we hire you.

*This will a short-term fixed project. Leads need to be provided over a 2-5 day timeframe. We are seeking a lead provider to work with on a more permanent basis. After evaluating the results, a long-term project may be available in the near future*

**We need to know the general details of your traffic and how leads are provided. No need to reveal your lead generation secrets, just a general description so we can provide feedback to the CPA network in the event they request this information. **

We require that the following rules be adhered to:

*Traffic for the leads will be vary for each offers (US,UK,AUS,CA,NZ etc...)
*Only 100% Real People
*Only unique and confirmed Leads
*Only unique and confirmed IP addresses
*No Do not get your friends to sign up
*No Rotating IP addresses
*Zip code must match IP address
*No advance payments
*No fake Emails and Zip Codes
*No duplicates and fraudulent sign ups
*No Automated Methods
*No Cookie Cleaners
*No Black Hat/Spam
*No use of proxy servers (We can verify this!)
*No Craigslist or any other any other classified ads
*No Incentive Traffic
*No Auto Bots or Software
***You will be paid only on approve leads***
***Seeking serious people, capable and honest***

Please quote "Willing to do 10 leads" to prove that you read the project details.
You must never use any kind of softwares,bots,cookie cleaner or any kind of automation.
You must be able to report/communicate every day (*this is very important)

No Advance or Upfront Payments.This is to ensure that the job is met fully.Once We confirm the leads are quality, real leads, your payment will be forwarded to you INSTANTLY.

You MUST tell us how you plan on generating leads

Before you are selected you must DO trial work (10 offers) so we can determine if you're suitable and have experience in filling CPA requirements.

Once again

***This will a short-term fixed project. Leads need to be provided over a 2-5 day timeframe. We are seeking a lead provider to work with on a more permanent basis. After evaluating the results, a long-term project may be available in the near future**

**We need to know the general details of your traffic and how leads are provided. No need to reveal your lead generation secrets, just a general description so we can provide feedback to the CPA network in the event they request this information. **

***No Advance or Upfront Payments.This is to ensure that the job is met fully.Once We confirm the leads are quality, real leads, your payment will be forwarded to you INSTANTLY.***


Please only bid if you are capable of generating 50+ leads per day and are willing to do a test of 10 leads before we hire you.

Before you are selected you must DO trial work (10 offers) so we can determine if you're suitable and have experience in filling CPA requirements.

We need to know the general details of your traffic and how leads are provided. No need to reveal your lead generation secrets, just a general description so we can provide feedback to the CPA network in the event they request this information.

Skills Required

Leads Cpamarketer Cpa Lead Signups Pinsubmit Email zipsubmit Cpaleads Internetmarket Social Bannerads Soloads Ppc Instagramservi Bing Adwords Cpc


please come inbox. i send you some sample. and order me


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Bid On Listing Created 8 years ago in Other