
Wordpress Plugin Estimating Program

Wordpress Plugin Estimating Program

I would like to have an estimation calculator wordpress plugin. It is a simple project for developers; here is a plug in that is not close but does the similiar work as a an example

so, my page must ask for number of bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, enterance, laundry room; customer can input room number; after that; let say; there are two bedroom, 3 bathroom;

bedroom1: [x]*[y]
bedroom2: [x]*[y]

bathroom1: [x]*[y]
bathroom2: [x]*[y]
bathroom3: [x]*[y]

AREA CALCULATION: after entering all the data; input must be total squarefootage. This way; we know how many room they have, each room's area; plus total square footage; let say it is 500square foot in total; than if we charge $3 dollar/per sqft. total must be $750.

if you have any question please contact me. thanks


wordpress, coding, html, php


Skills Required

Wordpress Plugin Plugins Html Php


i can be done your requirements by the time. it can be easily completed by myself. i'm being as a web developer for 3 years.

please order now...............

will do that contact us

expert on wordpress i have already work on similar task


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i can do this for you. let me know if you still need this.

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Bid On Listing Created 8 years ago in Other

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