I need a way to quickly make $900 Dollars within a week's time. Method must come with Guaranteed results or money back Guarantee. NO MARKETING/affiliate PLOYS,CPA, WEB HOSTING, BLOG STUFF,FILE SHARING, LAW OF ATTRACTION BS, DOWNLOADS, COMPLETING ANY OFFERS, SWEEPSTAKES OR LINK SHORTENING. HAS TO BE ABLE TO BE COMPLETED FROM HOME WITH EASE.
Must not be a scam
must speak english
* PS. someone must be really stupid to give you for 12$ something that makes him 600 or more per week. Why would someone give you for free a method that will give you 600$ in a week? You may not do as specified, yet claim that you did, so that you get that method for free and use it or resell it to someone else. I have more than 7 methods to do that, but require about 8 hours of daily focused work each. However, i request that you delete this thread since this is 100% scam from your part and is based not in rules, but in " good faith " for your person.
* PS. someone must be really stupid to give you for 12$ something that makes him 600 or more per week.
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