
Need tons of Music Votes

Need tons of Music Votes

I really only have $5 today but will be able to pay more in a few days I need help ASAPI need someone who can provide votes on a new site for Bands Artist Signal . Votes can be done using facebook accounts each account can be used once an hour to vote I prefer someone who can either promote it on other sites to real people I need to get at least 5000-8000 + votes today to help the band I am promoting secure the number one position. If someone wants to use multiple accounts to to this alone or with a bot all I ask is that the votes come from proxies I dont want to get the band I am promoting blocked or disqualified. I only have $5 on my account today but will consider all offers including those who offer to promote for 28 days the length of the contest. if you think you can help message me and make an offer and so I am looking for either ongoing promo or a sudden boost offer me what you can do back links bots white hat black hat somewhere in between I dont care funds are limited just need help real fast for this band. Thank you


Facebook accounts proxies votes backlinks music fast paced work or some heavy duty fast promo to facebook and other networks Must get the band i am promoting to the Number one position with a big enough cushion they can maintain control or help them maintain through out the course of 30 days give or take a few days.

Skills Required

Facebookaccoun Proxies Backlinks Seo Promotion Music Musicpromo Votes Facebook Share Bots Real Fake


hlw sir you can add me your job. because of i am a fast provider. if you need 1k vote you can add me your job. i am ready to do this work.


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Bid On Listing Created 11 years ago in Other

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