
I'm looking for someone who can help me to fund my campaign live on

I'm looking for someone who can help me to fund my campaign live on

I'm looking for someone who can help me to fund my campaign live on

I am not looking for marketing or promoting the campaign. Instead, I want a person who can get people to back the campaign. The backing amount will be £10-£20 per person. Needless to say, I will replay the whole amount plus a little incentive for each backer.

So if you have good connections with people who can back the campaign, then please get in touch to know the details. Only people local to Europe apply for this project.


All I want is you to fund the campaign with the funds which I will transfer in your account. Once done, you will provide me a screenshot confirming the transaction & I will pay a pr-determined fee for your efforts.

Skills Required

Socialmedia Sales Digital Emailmarketing Marketing Onlinemarketin Marketer Affiliatemarke


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Dear sir,

Cordially thanked to you . I would like to do your task wise and precisely.As I have an experience in this field for more than three years.

I think I am fit for your job.

I will create article with your keyword and post in




120 post

I think you would enough to give me your project.

Thanking You

Muhammad Abdul Kader

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Bid On Listing Created 6 years ago in Link Building