
I am looking for Niche-Relevant PBN Links (Bulk orders)

I am looking for Niche-Relevant PBN Links (Bulk orders)

I am looking for niche relevant PBN links,

Minimum stats accepted:

18-30 TF/CF
30-50 DA/PA (not OSE but Link Explorer)
20-50 DR/UR

All PBNs needs to be indexed and dedicated to one niche,

e.g Health PBNs have only Health-related content AND health-related backlink profile.

Should be in a nice .tld extension (like org, com, net, info, etc)
No interlinking
unique IPs

I am paying $10 - $30 per link and I will do BULK orders once your service is approved


Please inbox me a list of your Niche relevant PBNs

Skills Required

Linkbuilding Pbn


i have 2 health blog da 49+

if you interest check here...

i have 5000 plus sites all niche. please check inbox. let me know how many orders.

i have 250+ my own pbn sites indifferent niches with decent da, pa, tf and cf which give you benefit in google ranking.
you can view my sites at below url


we have sites in plenty of niches. and, just as you want, we will give you sites which comes under your stats, i.e.
18-30 tf/cf
30-50 da/pa
20-50 dr/ur
also, you can have us tested first and will then go to bulk orders.

hello sir,
i will give you high da pa niche related pbn will get health pbns have only health-related content and health-related backlinks profile.thank you.


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Hi, My friend.

I can give you DOFOLLOW backlink from DA 32.. It is health related. 5$ for one link. Do you need it? 

Thank you. 

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Bid On Listing Created 7 years ago in Link Building

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