
PR3 - PR7 Auto Approved Non-Spammy with low OBL Blog Commenting List

PR3 - PR7 Auto Approved Non-Spammy with low OBL Blog Commenting List

Must be unique domains on all

List must be PR Sorted with actual Page rank not domain page rank.

must be new harvested.

must be low obl less than 100

atleast 1 pr7 and 5 pr6.


Must be unique domains on all

List must be PR Sorted with actual Page rank not domain page rank.

must be new harvested.

must be low obl less than 100

atleast 1 pr7 and 5 pr6.


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I would buy that list for 50$, probably the best you can get is my fresh EDU list with 296 auto approved EDU comment pages (I bought a bigger list for 50$, but 296 comments were auto approved without optimal settings and lame proxies).

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Bid On Listing Created 13 years ago in Link Building

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